Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Beggar's can

memories conspire
and so delight
and block all avenues
of future desires
and fantasy
becomes difficult
because inspired
the joys remembered
bring with them pain
that distracts to woe
the pleasure seeking brain.

and so
i see now
formed from hope
the most hopeless
wish that comes to call
and dresses itself
in worn cliche.
an ideal form
from which to judge
all beauty, so misused.

the shape of flesh
in forms divine
i see her clearly in my mind
where once stood shadows vague and dark
she crystallizes in complete detail
the woman of my dreams
my dreams
never again will a pretty face
change my course or slow my pace
i see the X marked
i can not fail.

at Venus' temple i will wait
for time to align the threads of fate
and open once again the veil
that i might see my Goddess
though now broken, old and gray
i have waited every day
with faith as true
as mortal fear
for my true love
who will appear
and heal
with one divine sweet kiss
every pleasure
i have missed.