Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Tempting Fate.

O' time and fortune and hope sublime

please hear my words and answer kindly.

I beseech your favor a second time,

or more perhaps, for it could be

that often you have smiled on me

and I have never felt this grace,

though were these favors never shown

I would have known the sting

of grave calamities and maybe even death.

So once already did Love's sweet face

shine its sun lit lovely grace

into my life with sweetest charm,

only to have my devotion stray

and lose it then forever.

So double now is what i ask,

and I fear that nature,

with all its might,

is not equal to this task.

Before time's tireless, reckless, hands

Reek their arts of aging man,

unto its utmost final craft.

Before the canvas, Time, is filled,

Its final strokes, to make us dust,

and blacken every love and lust,

yes, even before the day begins

in which age can see its coming end

and must concede its time is near

and memories only of all that's dear.

yes while there is still life to live

to me, another angel, give.

Someone who, by natures gifts,

suits me well and makes me feel

that love is good and love is real.

O' universe, you know my heart,

and know what every detail is

of what i need to happy live.

Please help me then, to find her soon,

for time is swiftly using up.

er' else what gifts i have to use

your reputation i will abuse

and spell in poem, art and song

how all the universe is wrong

and ever artful the truth to tell

that all is all and all is hell.


Unknown said...

Your devotion strayed because she hated the music you love and disregarded the music you made. She could not abide by your smoking, drinking, meat-eating ways, and made you feel like a pariah in your own home. And when you finally left she twisted the knife in your already bleeding heart, and continued to fling arrows of bitterness and scorn even as she fled the continent for the island from whence she came. It was your choice, and not entirely irrational. It only appeared that way once you regretted your actions and began to build this unholy shrine to which you still bring feckless soul sacrifices. You can be the master of your fate, the captain of your heart and soul. There are no gods. There is no god but truth. You make the truth for yourself, the good and the bad. You are loved. Soak in it.

Peter vzM said...

She was not evil as you make it sound. she didn't get off on the music. she was concerned about my health. but is was always tender and sweet. and those things for which i felt perhaps this love was not right, have seemed worthless and hollow ever since.