Sunday, June 10, 2007

Not Trying

Somewhere out there
is a really wonderful lady.
The kind of gal I could really dig.
The kind of woman I can talk to.
The kind of woman who enjoys the things I do.
The kind of woman who can thrill me head to toe
if I put my arms around her and kiss her mouth,
the sort of girl who wont bring me down by being
all into something i don't like,
the kind of person whose personality is like music
to my inner ear,
someone beautiful.

She is probably married.
She is dating someone cool.
She would have liked me better when I had long hair
and wont recognize me in this suit.
She lives out of state.
She saw me somewhere, but when faced with crowds
I get nervous and shy and just walked on by.

how do i fool myself, this time, into being
and not trying.

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