Tuesday, June 12, 2007


nature knows no sin,
nature knows no blame,

that which comes from infinite forever
returns there.

the bird (and all of us) never asked to die,
neither did it ask to be born.

to die seems hard for us,
but what of the infinite time we did not exist before our birth?
was that bad?

in the setting face to face we can choose to merge with the infinite and leave the cycle of birth.
trapped to the world of experience.
but the world of existence is why.
we are here for experience.
this is where there is pain and loss and fear and death.
this is where there is birth and babies and life and love and accomplishment and music and art and dance
the stars at night
the breeze
an infinite space
where we are on a tiny ball
all for us
nature is what it is
because we understand compassion and love
it seems cruel
but except for us
nature does not know this
the deer doesn't blame the wolf
no one blames the worm
round and round it goes

we do not interfere, we are nature too
the baby drinks milk
it is god pouring into god.

there is no difference between perfection and nothing
let there be something


Unknown said...

Amen, brother.

M-land said...

You are so much more positive about Humans, than we are...i just wish better things were done here, on this earth, this dear precious place, that we are only here to caretake...
I wish we humans were much more in balance with (((it all)))...
we've been thinking a lot, lately, on life and death cycle---how it moves, why, where...
how different cultures perceive it...